He Shuhong: “Jamaica Sugar daddy app Gulihua at the foot of Kunlun Mountain” relieves people’s worries

 Xinjiang The 47th Regiment of the 14th Division of the Childbirth Support Corps is located at the northern foot of the Kunlun Mountains and the southern edge of the Taklimakan Desert, at the forefront of the desert and at the forefront of the desert.

Here, as a “new force” of the national masses involved in the management of lower society “The team of “law clarifiers” is rooted at the grassroots level and walks on the front line. It plays an active role in promoting policies and regulations, leading legal services, resolving conflicts and disputes, and participating in social management.

 He Shuhong, the “law clarifier” of the Seventh Company of the Forty-seventh Regiment, is a typical representative of this team. She is proactive, performs her duties conscientiously, and always takes the people’s Treat matters as their own business, handle the people’s affairs in the hearts of the people, and directly participate in the mediation of various civil disputes such as labor disputes, neighbors, marriages, compensation for injury and loss, land and forest disputes, etc. There were 112 cases, which were reported by the local government The masses praised it as “the ancient beautiful flower under Kunlun Mountain”

In early June 2022, He Shuhong discovered during an interview that a textile company owed He and other 23 migrant workers 789,600 yuan in wages. He Shuhong immediately found the person in charge of the company, Liu, to find out the situation. After verifying the situation, he learned that the textile company was in arrears. Unlimited company’s project funds were not received, the company’s account was unfrozen, and there was no money to pay salary. After learning about the situation, He Shuhong took the initiative to report to the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the Communist Youth League Committee and the Justice Office, and actively coordinated with the Economic Development Office, the Petition Office and other departments to respond. The 23 migrant workers verified the situation one by one. Later, He Shuhong and her colleagues used the method of “litigation and mediation + judicial confirmation” to successfully help 23 migrant workers get their labor rewards. He and others handed over the banner and shook it excitedly. He held He Shuhong’s hand and said: “Thank you, thank you to the Law Office JM Escorts. Without your help, it would be impossible for us to get the money. It’s gratitude. “With a high sense of responsibility and excellent business quality, He Shuhong properly resolved the dispute and protected the jurisdiction. Coordinated and stable

“Law clarifiers” are not only “monitors” of rule of law establishment around villagers, “mediators” of disputes, but also “teachers” of laws and regulations. He Shuhong regularly organizes employees to carry out rule of law in the area In publicity activities, major nodes jointly hold various lectures on the rule of law in conjunction with police stations, petition offices and other departments. During the publicity activities, they can combine the immediate affairs of the employees and mediation cases to help the employees improve their awareness and understanding of legal knowledge. The publicity activities have been well received He Shuhong has given more than 30 lectures, attracting nearly 10,000 people.

 Jamaica Sugar As a “law clarifier”, He Shuhong devotes herself to her work in the jurisdiction with a patient and meticulous work style and hardworking dedication. Trivial matters between neighbors, noisy and harmonious family matters between husband and wife, etc., as long as the masses have needs, she will rush forward to provide services to the employees in the areaJamaica Sugar Provide more legal services and strive to be a practitioner of the “Maple Bridge Experience” in the new era. (Rule of Law Daily reporters Dong Fanchao and Pan Congwu)