Yang Jianming: 23 years of voluntary blood donation and continuous improvement in volunteer services

Twenty-three years of voluntary blood donation have made continuous progress

——Remember the first session Nanning City’s model Yang Jianming who helped Jie become a torturer

Nanning Daily reporter Wu Qinghua

“Raise a bag of blood that can be regenerated and save a life that can be renewed.” This is the 4th National Model Nomination Award for Helping and Abuse, and the 2nd Autonomous Region Model Nomination Award for Helping and Abuse. The original intention of Nanning City to help model Yang Jianming embark on the road of voluntary blood donation.

In 1999, Yang Jianming, who was still studying at Lanzhou University, came to Nanning During a training session in a certain unit, I saw a blood collection vehicle in Zhengyang Square. After learning that donating blood is not only harmless to health, but can also help others, he immediately made the first voluntary blood donation in his life.

Since 1999 to now, Yang Jianming has participated in voluntary blood donation every year, and even went to other places for business or pleasure. He would choose the opportunity to donate blood at local blood stations in Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou His footprints have been left in blood banks in more than 20 cities. So far, he has donated a total of 79,000 ml of blood, and has repeatedly won the National Free Blood Donation Contribution Jamaicans Sugardaddy Gold Award, and became the first person in Guangxi to win the ” Blood donors who won the National Voluntary Blood Donation Personal Promotion Award and the National Voluntary Blood Donation Lifetime Honor Award.

In order to appeal to more people to join the voluntary blood donation team, Yang Jianming and other volunteers established the “White Love” voluntary blood donation volunteer service team. Yang Jianming also used his rest days to take buses and go into communities to promote free blood donation. He also accompanied and comforted blood donors in blood collection vehicles and blood donation rooms, and spread knowledge about free blood donation through the Internet and lectures. In order to alleviate the blood shortage during the peak season of free blood donation in July and August every year, Yang Jianming and his team will hold a publicity and recruitment campaign to “mobilize all employees in enterprises and work units to donate blood” during this period, and promote the establishment of the country’s first “civilian donation” in our city. Blood Moon”.

The Spring Festival is a time when the demand for clinical blood in hospitals is greater. Around the Spring Festival of 2020, affected by the epidemic, the number of people donating blood on the streets dropped significantlyJamaicans SugardaddyFor this reason, Yang Jianming ate 7 meals and participated in blood donation. He also led volunteers to assist the Nanning Central Blood Station in carrying out group blood donation promotion and recruitment work, and went to various blood donation points in our city to provide volunteer services. Practical actions protect lives.

June 14 this year is the 19th “World Blood Donor Day”. That night, Yang Jianming celebrated the 2022 World Blood Donor Day and “Nanning Donation Day” in Nanning City. Acted as a “shopkeeper” in the “Love Flood Market” set up to promote the Blood Regulations, and distributed free blood donation collections to friends by displaying their own blood donation certificates, early paper blood donation certificates from various places, commemorative badges and other related free blood donation collections. Jamaica Sugar’s story of voluntary blood donation has made citizens deeply aware of voluntary blood donation.

More and more caring people are joining the “White Love” voluntary blood donation volunteer service team. At present, this team has grown into more than 9,000 voluntary blood donation volunteers. Nanning Free Blood Donation Volunteers Association, as the president of the association, Yang Jianming has twice won the title of “Five-Star Volunteer” in Nanning City.

JM Escorts Twenty-three years have passed like a song, and twenty-three years have persisted as before. . Yang Jianming actively practiced the core values ​​of socialism with full enthusiasm, promoted the development of Nanning’s free blood donation work, and polished the brightest foundation of youth.