The life story of a “soldier mother” – Remembering Qi Yazhen, “the national model of patriotism and military support”

Qi Yazhen visits the soldiers (photo provided by the interviewee)

In the past 28 years, Qi Yazhen has traveled across the country and raised more than 4 million yuan in donations Jamaicans Sugardaddy for relief Every story related to the needy people and caring for the soldiers is moving.

Do what a “mother” should do

Visiting the elderly at the Invalids Hospital, making dumplings for firefighters, taking time to take care of the 97-year-old veterans from Xinjiang who settled in Jinan, and telling loving stories to children… In the past month, the epidemic has made these things in Qi Yazhen’s daily life untouchable. The work had to be temporarily stopped.

In her rare free time after working as an epidemic prevention volunteer, as a retired kindergarten teacher of Shandong Geological Exploration Company, she dug out countless photos accumulated on the charity road for 28 years. As I was packing them up one by one, I saw things and missed people, and I couldn’t help but miss those “sons of soldiers” who were far away across the country.

“In the past ten years or so, I still had a few ideas, but later on there were actually too many children calling ‘Mom’.” How many “soldier sons” are there today? 69-year-old Qi Yazhen cannot calculate the detailed figures, but she clearly remembers “July 31, 1996”, which was the day she met her first “soldier son” by chance.

In July of that year, Qi Yazhen was selected as one of the “Top Ten Citizen Models of Jinan City” and was invited to dinner and participate in military activities together with other model models. That was her first real exposure to soldiers and military life, having dreamed of joining the army since she was a child.

“At that time, when I was eating at the station, there was a little soldier who kept looking at me. He didn’t eat himself, but always brought me food and held my hand from time to time.” Qi Yazhen said that at first she thought it was her Northeastern accent that made the little soldier feel Jamaica Sugar Daddy was as affectionate as a fellow countryman, “But until after dinner, he still pulled my clothes, Jamaicans Escort No matter what you say, you won’t be allowed to leave. I felt that something might be wrong with this little soldier. “

Later, after repeated inquiries, Qi Yazhen learned that the little soldier’s name was Wen Zhongjun, and his parents had passed away one after another. “That child missed his mother.” ”

Two days later, Qi Yazhen invited Wen Zhongjun to her home and prepared a rich meal. Wen Zhongjun, who had not felt the warmth of a family for a long time, was almost moved by such care and concern. Crying. “‘Mom’ was suddenly shouted out. “Qi Yazhen said with a smile, just like that, there is another child in her family, “It can be regarded as a son and a daughter. ”

Since then, ZiaJamaica Sugar Daddy has been “out of control.” Sometimes Suddenly four or five little soldiers came to visit her. These little soldiers were often orphans or grew up in single-parent families. Whenever she heard those slightly immature voices eagerly calling out “Soldier Mother”, she felt deep in her heart. She felt: “This is my own child.”

Later, Qi Yazhen went to Yunnan and Guizhou, to Xinjiang, and to Tibet, and the word “soldier mother” followed her everywhere. Across the country, sea, land, air, her “soldiers” are everywhere in the country, working with military officers and soldiers. During the contact, Qi Yazhen deeply understood that “soldier mother” is not just a title, but more importantly, she takes on the responsibility of caring for and rescuing future generations of soldiers, “to care for them like a real mother.”

Before the outbreak of the new coronavirus, Qi Yazhen spent several months every year in the army and at the border; while others were at home with their families during holidays, she used her holidays at public expense to visit her “soldier’s son” in the army; She gave up the reunion dinner with her family on New Year’s Eve and went to the army to cook delicious meals for the soldiers. She learned from a magazine that there were only four soldiers on duty at a certain border post in Tibet. She tried every means to find them and often mailed them Shandong specialties such as jujubes, sorghum glutinous rice, salted duck eggs and other Shandong specialties were given to them to improve their meals. During the Chinese New Year, everyone received a hand-knitted red sweater…

Qi Yazhen said that these Over the years, she has been trying her best to do what a “mother” should do

“I feel it’s worth it to help them get over the current hurdle!”

In the years when communications were not yet prosperous, Each “letter from home” is full of Qi Yazhen’s tender affection for her “sons of soldiers”.

“There were no mobile phones at that time, so new soldiers were looking forward to letters from home. When the correspondent came, everyone rushed forward. I have seen the joy on the faces of the children who received the letters. I have also seen the silent tears of disbelieving children.” Qi Yazhen told reporters that the situation of each “soldier’s son” is different. For a long time, she had to write seven or eight letters a night. to three or four in the morning.

Under the dim light, from daily chores to caring and entrustment, the words carry the endless thoughts of the “soldier mother” and her children. If you are really sleepy, you will vaguely put the letter in the wrong envelope. Qi Yazhen told reporters with a smile that some “soldiers” would act coquettishly when replying to letters, telling her that “the letter was sent to the wrong person, please pay more attention to me.”

“The care of the “Soldier Mother” is not only given to the soldiers, she also has an identity – “Aunt Miaomiao”.

In April 1994, 14-year-old Xiao Lei was admitted to the hospital with minor injuries due to a car accident. The perpetrator escaped. If he is not treated in time, Xiaolei may never stand up again, but the current financial situation of his family makes Xiaolei almost at the end of his rope.

At this moment, an aunt named “Miao Miao” lit up his world with a beam of light. Letters of encouragement and medical expenses collected piece by piece finally allowed Ji Lei to stand up and have the courage to live on. But until Xiaolei recovered and was discharged from the hospital, she didn’t know who “Aunt Miaomiao” was.

Soon after, “Aunt Miao Miao” began to appear several times in various donation records, becoming a hotly debated topic among people in Jinan at that time. Everyone was speculating about “Miao Miao.” The real element of “Auntie” is to find this good person around you.

“Because I was almost recognized, I specially changed to another post office to send letters and money, and traveled a few more stops. But it didn’t take long before I was found. “Qi Yazhen told reporters that at that time she did not want the recipients to know that she was “Auntie Miao Miao”, “Whenever others are in trouble, I can help them and help them overcome the current obstacles. It’s worth it! ”

In the blink of an eye, Qi Yazhen has now mobilized social charity forces to invest more than 4 million yuan to help needy groups and seriously ill soldiers, successively in universities, middle schools, primary schools, and kindergartens. , hospital, barracks, Xinjiang Xiaobaiyang SentJamaica Sugar and other places, establish “Soldier Mothers” love groups, support bases, etc., to spread love and support to the army Seeds are sown in every corner, take root, sprout, bloom and bear fruit.

“I am just an ordinary person who wants to do some good deeds”

Behind the honors of being a national model of patriotism and supporting the army, a good model of Lei Feng in Shandong Province, the mother of the top ten soldiers in Shandong, and the leader of the March 8th Red Flag, there is the story of Qi Yazhen’s ups and downs and his sacrifice without regard for reward.

At the beginning of 2019, the 25th year that Qi Yazhen has devoted herself to charity, “Jinan Daily” teamed up with volunteers from Quancheng and volunteers from the “Military Mothers Love Art Troupe” to hold a theatrical performance for her. One after another, emotional stories appeared in front of everyone through sketches, Shandong express books and other forms: an expectant mother wanted to give birth to a child, but she could not contact her husband who was serving in the army. The “soldier mother” rushed to Luoyang without hesitation, Taking care of the “soldier’s son” at home, waiting for the birth of the child; the young soldier Jiang Youqing was suffering from leukemia. The “soldier’s mother” loved him and tried every means to save his life, and therefore became the first person to collect hematopoietic stem cell blood samples in Jinan…

“Supporting the army in the new era is not just about cleaning and repairing, but more importantly, it is about bringing spiritual support, happiness and enrichment to the soldiers.” Qi Yazhen told reporters, In recent years, the spirit of supporting the army of the love team has also kept pace with the times, and has carried out public welfare activities such as happy support of the army, legal support of the army, civilized support of the army, and spiritual support of the army. “I also pioneered food to support the army, making ugly noodles, making dumplings, baking pies, etc. for the officers and soldiers. Everywhere I went, the children were a feast for the eyes.” Qi Yazhen said with a smile.

Qi Yazhen’s mobile phone contains the phone numbers of many people, some of which are his “soldier sons” and some of whom are “relatives” she has made on the road to charity. Whether it is migrant workers from other places, sick children, or elderly people living without anyone to take care of them, Qi Yazhen is always willing to lend a helping hand as long as she knows they need help.

“I am just an ordinary person who wants to do some good deeds.” Qi Yazhen said: “I am not alone in supporting the army and charity. I also have a ‘big’ wish.” It is the hope that more people will follow and care about these most beloved people, and also inspire more people to participate in charity activities to support the army and deliver positive energy to society. ”