Community policeman Dong Ming: Ordinary position, extraordinary life

Not long ago, a very popular “Police Uncle” among the people in Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province won several awards: he was demerited by the Provincial Public Security Department and rated as Yangzhou City Police Officer. Model character. What’s so special about him?

“Help me!” One morning, Dong JM Escortsming While on duty at the police station, an Aunt Wang, a resident pushing a wheelchair, came out and told him anxiously that the toilet at home was leaking. So I found an apprentice on the Internet cheaply, but it cost me 1,000 yuan in labor. After a few days of repairing it, the toilet leaked again. Leaked. She contacted her master many times, but not only did he not come, but he also blocked his phone number. She was anxious and angry and had no choice but to go to the police station for help.


Dong Ming is serving the masses. Photo by Lu Kechen (National Vision)

Jamaica Sugar

The old director repeatedly comforted and clarified the situation in detail: Aunt Wang felt that the money had been paid and she should bear the consequences, but the other party insisted that the new problem had something to do with her. Jamaica Sugar It took the boss four shifts, making phone calls and sending text messages, to explain the facts and reason, and finally let him The master repaired it again and solved the Jamaica Sugar problem.

With the problem solved, Lao Dong was still at ease. He went to Aunt Wang’s house to find out more about the situation and learned that her daughter was suffering from ALS. In order to take care of her children, she went out to work part-time at noon every day to earn a lot of money. Because she didn’t want to trouble others, she gritted her teeth and persisted alone. Lao Dong came to the house again, silently leaving a box of milk and 1,000 yuan, and helped her family apply for subsistence allowances.

Dong Ming is 59 years old and is a member of the Shugang-Slender West Lake Scenic Spot of Yangzhou Municipal Public Security BureauJamaicansA community policeman from the Chengbei Police Station of the Escort branch. Like Aunt Wang, there are many stories about Lao Dong who “take one more step” while solving the problem of asking for help. There are several disabled people in the family, Lao Qu, and Lao Lu who suffers from uremia… Dong Ming often takes the time to understand the situation, ask questions, and sometimes help to buy groceries. Sometimes I send bags of rice.

Having been rooted in the community for 34 years, Mr. Dong mediates conflicts and resolves disputes for residents. He puts the solution to the people’s urgent needs and concerns into his heart and implements them into his actions. He not only The “mediator” has become the “old brother” trusted and relied on by the residents because of his willingness to help others.

During the interview, the reporter felt that Lao Dong has a low-key and humble personality. He often does good deeds but never publicizes them. Almost all his good deeds are due to the letters of gratitude and banners sent to him by the parties involved. It was only at the police station that people became aware of it. When the news of the demerit came, Lao Dong politely said that he did not expect: “In my mind, such great honors are awarded to those who have made outstanding contributions. I am in a low-level position and do major things. Being able to get honors is very important to me. I am a great encouragement.”

Netizens praised him: “It’s not easy for decades.” “Ordinary position, extraordinary life, tribute.” Old Dong, you are a model!” (National Daily reporter Yao Xueqing)