Professor Wu Dayong from Hebei Hengshui University: Guarding, by the Hengshui Lake

“It is joyful to discover the mysteries of nature, and it is even more joyful to let more people understand it”

Early in the morning, Tiangang At dawn, Wu Dayong set off. After arriving at Hengshui Lake, he took his camera, telescope, tripod, and walked onto the embankment of the small lake, ready to start the observation mission JM Escorts.

52-year-old Wu Dayong is a professor at the School of Life Sciences at Hengshui University in Hebei Province. Since 2009, he has taken root in Hengshui Lake and engaged in wetland ecological research and protection.

“Hengshui Lake maintains a complete wetland ecosystem such as waters, swamps, tidal flats, meadows and woodlands.” Wu Dayong said while pushing aside a patch of reeds by the lake. . He quietly put the tripod aside, put on the binoculars and began to observe. Monocular telescopes have a long observation range, while binoculars have a wide observation range. Wu Dayong brings both types with him every time he watches birds, and uses them alternately.


Wu Dayong is in the laboratory. Photo by Chen Kang (National Vision)

Watching birds is a “habit” that Wu Dayong only developed 6 years ago. His research subjects are mainly various insects in Hengshui Lake. “The diversity of insects is an important manifestation of the health of Hengshui Lake. The richer the environment around it and the more stable the ecosystem, the more insects there will be,” Wu Dayong said. Collecting samples, classifying and judging, and making specimens… Over the past few years, Wu Dayong and his teachers collected insect samples 1Jamaicans Sugardaddy</a More than 00,000 pieces were collected, and the “family background” of insects in Hengshui Lake was initially understood.

From studying insects to studying birds, it originated from an accident. “Six years ago, it was here that I discovered the Blue-headed Pochard for the first time, starting my ‘bird watching’ journey.” In 2017, Wu Dayong was invited to participate in a joint venture between China and foreign countries in Hengshui Lake Wetland. land maintenance and restoration projects. During the implementation of the project, a morning inspection with the expert group made him accidentally observeThe blue-headed pochard, a critically endangered species in the world, arrived. Since then, Wu Dayong led the team to start a year-long monitoring of the blue-headed pochard, and formulated a numerical static table and spatial distribution map of the blue-headed pochard in Hengshui Lake, promoted local regulations on key protection areas, and added Ecological rangers, while scientifically and effectively protecting the blue-headed pochard, further promote the improvement of the ecological environment around Hengshui Lake. In March 2018, the Hengshui Lake National Nature Reserve was listed as the “main habitat of the world’s most endangered species, the blue-headed pochard.” In Hengshui Lake now, you can see blue-headed pochards all year round. “Currently, more than 300 species of birds have been recorded in Hengshui Lake.” Wu Dayong said.

“The wetland ecosystem is a whole, the scale must be gradually expanded, and the research must be gradually in-depth.” Returning from the small lake across the embankment, Wu Dayong put down the bird watching ” “Equipment”, took out the white bucket, jumped on the boat, the boatman raised the oar, and took him towards the center of the lake. Take a bottle of lake water and put it in a jar of silt accumulated at the bottom of the lake… Stopped next to a reed swamp in the middle of the lake, Wu Dayong stood on the boat and carefully collected samples needed for water quality research.

It was almost 8 o’clock when Wu Dayong returned to school Jamaicans Sugardaddy experiment room. After carefully storing the samples and having a brief breakfast, he hurriedly left the specimen exhibition hall to prepare for the parent-child science popularization class that day. For Wu Dayong, promoting the formulation and promulgation of relevant policies and measures through ecological system and biodiversity research is only part of the intrinsic work of Hengshui Lake ecological protection. “More intensive protection requires more public participation.” In recent years, Wu Dayong has taken the lead in establishing the Hengshui Wetland Ecological Science Popularization Demonstration of Hengshui UniversityJM The Escorts base regularly opens “Specimen” science popularization lectures, organizes and organizes diversified natural experience activities such as “Listening to Sounds and Recognizing Birds”… Teaching, researching, and popularizing science, although he is busy, he always enjoys it.

“It is joyful to discover the mysteries of nature, and it is even more joyful to let more people understand it.” Wu Dayong said. (National Daily reporter Shao Yuzi)