Yanjin: The “police dad” of left-behind children

“Uncle Zhao, I understand that you are very busy with work recently. You must take good care of your health and don’t always stay up late and work overtime.” On the morning of February 23, after receiving this news, Zhao Quantao grinned after a busy day. The person who posted the news is named Xu Xiaolei. He and his sister Xu Xiaoyun, who is in high school, are both needy students sponsored by Zhao Quantao.

Zhao Quantao, 47, is currently the director of the Xucheng Police Station of the Public Security Bureau of Yanjin County, Henan Province. From November 2008, he began to help poor left-behind children Xiao Yang, to 2012, when he helped a brother and sister named Si who were facing suspension from school, Zhao Quantao went further and further on the road of helping the poor. In April 2014, he was listed on the “China’s Good People List”.

The story of Zhao Quantao sponsoring the Xu Xiaolei brothers begins 8 years ago. The two brothers and sisters’ father Jamaica Sugar Daddy passed away early, and their mother left the poor family. The only uncle the brothers and sisters could rely on was disabled. Life at home is bleak. In 2014, Zhao Quantao was listed on the “China’s Good People List” for helping poor children and children facing suspension from school. Uncle Xu Xiaolei learned about Zhao Quantao’s deeds and tried every means to contact Zhao Quantao for help. After Zhao Quantao learned of the situation, he immediately decided to do his best to never let the two brothers and sisters drop out of school, let alone let the children lose confidence in the future, and this fate was forged.

In the past eight years, Zhao Quantao not only assisted the brother and sister with materials, but also paid attention to warm companionship. When Xu Xiaolei was in high school, Zhao Quantao found that his mood had dropped a bit, so he asked Xu Xiaoyun privately. “Uncle Zhao, my brother’s shoes were torn when he was in physical education class. Some of his classmates laughed at him.” After listening to Xu Xiaoyun’s words, Zhao Quantao I went to the shopping mall in the county to choose a pair of brand sports shoes for Xu Xiaolei, and said: “Your birthday is coming soon. Uncle Zhao will be busy at that time, so he may not be able to take care of the family. I will give you a birthday gift first, thank youJM Escorts Would you like to know the situation?” Xu Xiaolei’s eyes were filled with tears. For him, more than just sports shoes are precious. , and even more so, Zhao Quantao’s love for himself Jamaica Sugar. Since then, Xu Xiaolei and his sister have determined to be strong, confident, optimistic and open-minded people, study hard and live up to Zhao Quantao’s expectations.

 ”WeThe more you spend, the fuller your heart will be and the stronger your sense of happiness will be. “Zhao Quantao passed this spirit on to everyone around him. When he served as the deputy captain of the traffic police brigade of the Yanjin County Public Security Bureau and the captain of the 308 Provincial Highway Squadron, he and his colleagues helped the needy students and left-behind children in the area There are more than 60 students. Every time he sees the children sending handmade greeting cards and letters of gratitude, he feels extremely happy, which also encourages him to continue on the road of helping students in need (National People’s Government). Public Security News reporter Sun Yaqiong and correspondent Wu Xiu)